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Hologram of Liberty
The Constitution's Shocking Alliance with Big Government


5 1/2" x 8 1/2", softcover, 262 pages
Illustrated, published May, 2012

ISBN 1888766134

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Civic Belief #1: The Congress was given few specific powers. All else was left to the States and to the people under the 10th Amendment. Ample checks and balances protect the Republic from federal tyranny.

Civic Belief #2: The Federal Government has become so powerful only because despotic officials have overstepped their strict, constitutional bounds.

If #1 is true, then how did #2 happen?

"The Constitution has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it". Lysander Spooner, No Treason (1870)

Think about that. By either the Constitution's purposeful design or by its unintentional weakness, we suffer under a federal colossus which takes a third of our lives and regulates everything from alfalfa to xylophones. This is Freedom? So, why aren't Americans free? Perhaps we weren't really meant to be!

hol· o· gram (häl' e gram) n. [< Gr. holos, whole + gramma, writing]
2. a document falsely representing itself as an accurate metaphor

lib· er· ty (lib'er tee) n. [< L. liber, free] 1. freedom from slavery

Hologram of Liberty The Constitution's Shocking Alliance With Big Government is a cold splash of water on our civic mythology. Hologram's main contention is that the 1787 Convention, its Constitution and Federal Government was the most brilliant and subtle coup d'etat in political history. While the majority of Americans then were Jeffersonian in nature, a few Hamiltonian Federalists eradicated our Swiss-style Confederation and replaced it with a latent leviathan. The Federal Government was given several escape keys to the putative handcuffing by the Constitution. Using the "necessary and proper" and "general welfare" clauses in conjunction with congressional powers under treaty, interstate commerce, and emergency, the "Founding Lawyers" of 1787 purposely designed a constitutional infrastructure guaranteed to facilitate a future federal colossus. While such a massive government was impossible to erect in the freedom-conscious 1780's, the "virus" of tyranny was cunningly hidden within the Constitution to foment the eventual federal behemoth we are burdened with today. The feds take in a third of economic activity and regulate everything from the price of corn to the size of chimneys and it's all constitutional!" Oh, it's only 'constitutional' because autocratic Supreme Court Justices say it is!," some would reply.

Yes, but the Framers allowed the Supreme Court, without any check or balance, to approve of federal encroachment on the States and on the people. There is no constitutional avenue for overturning a despotic Supreme Court ruling and it was designed that way. The feds are allowed to "monitor" themselves, like students grading their own tests. Had the Framers wanted to really check the Supreme Court, they'd have at least created an appellate court (activated by petition) staffed by justices from the States. Had the Framers wanted to really hamstring Congress and the President, they would have given the people a "no-confidence" device to remove traitorous officials in midterm. Had they wanted to, the Framers could have (as did the Swiss) easily confined the Federal Government but they didn't want to. In their opinion, a strong central government independent of real popular approval was best for America. The Framers left the federal fleas in control of their own flea powder, and that's why we have such an unchallengeable government today.

Most conservatives and libertarians believe that the Constitution and its Framers were Jeffersonian and laissez-faire. They were not, and they never claimed to be. This Jeffersonian gloss is echoic of two things: 1) What the Constitution was sold as to the people through The Federalist, and 2) How the Constitution, according to Jefferson, should have been interpreted under strict constructionism. Add the Red, White, and Blue, July 4th, the Founding Fathers and George Washington and you've got a civic religion with its unique parchment worship. There are but three ways to view anything, including the Constitution:

  • The way you see it.
  • The way you would like it to be.
  • The way it really is.

Friends of freedom have gazed dreamily at the Constitution for two centuries, fusing #1 with #2 to create a false #3. We need to snap out of our parchment worship and coldly study the predicament of Liberty--before it's too late. Liberty-loving folks need to quickly understand that freedom is not well-served by the current Constitution. Neither is tyranny. It is Royce's firm opinion that the Constitution will be radically amended, if not abolished altogether, by "us" or "them" within 10 years. Royce proves that the States and the people were politically "checkmated" at ratification, and discusses his three peaceful solutions prior the imminent insurrection now brewing. The goal of Hologram of Liberty is to spark an active synthesis of Libertarians, Patriots, and Conservatives to prevent a 21st century Dark Age in America.

There hasn't been an innovative theory about the Constitution in 84 years, since Charles Beard's An Economic Interpretation. We are long overdue for a paradigm shift to political reality. It's time to complete the story with Hologram of Liberty, the Jeffersonian/anti-federalist epilogue. Our window of opportunity for reestablishing freedom is quickly running out and we simply don't have time for comforting old fantasies. Hologram of Liberty is the freshest research on the Constitution since 1913.




Preface by Kenneth W. Royce

1      Political Magic
            But the Constitution was inspired by God!    32
            But the Founders were free-market guys!    33
            "Sacred cows make the best hamburgers"    34
            The "Constitution for the Newstates of America"     37
2      "What Have Ye Wrought?"
        1770's to 1787   40
            Committee of Correspondence    40
            The First Continental Congress    40
            The Second Continental Congress    40
            1781-87: The Articles of Confederation    41
            September 1786: The Annapolis Convention    45
            Autumn 1786: Shay's Rebellion   46
            Overview of the Constitution    53
            The quiet revolution over time    56
            The wide range of government    58
3      The Slam-dunk
        1787-88: CONTEST FOR RATIFICATION     61
            Cleverly bypassing the State legislatures    62
            The fast break     62
            The Federalist: A fantastic propaganda effort!    64
            The people were suspicious and nervous    68
            The federalists' dirty tactics    70
            Dirty politics pays off    72
4      Feds Are On-line
            30 April 1789     75
            Congress (predictably) balks at Bill of Rights   75
            The Judiciary Act of 1789    79
            An overview of Hamiltonianism    83
            Rewarding speculators and stiffing veterans    84
            "a national debt...a national blessing"    86
            The coup de grâce--the Bank of the U.S.    89
            The effect of Hamilton's measures in toto   93
            1798: The Alien and Sedition Acts    94
            The 1800 election: Freedom or Tyranny?   98
            1803: Marbury v. Madison    100
            So, what is my point?     101
            "Welcome" to the Union...    102
5      Concerns Then...Nightmares Today
            Federal "supreme" law gutted state authority    106
            "and all treaties made, or which shall be made..."   109
            Justices decide on their own federal brethren    117
            Supreme Court "interprets" Constitution    118
            States and people have no real political recourse    122
            Constitutional amendments difficult    123
            Feds control both the military and militias!    123
            Executive orders     126
            Other misc. details of the rigged Constitution    127
            "But the feds can do it!"    129
            The anti-federalists foresaw today's tyranny    129
            Some thoughts on the Constitution in general    134
6      Trickery's Origin
        CONVENTION DRAFTS    137
            From the "u.S.A." to the "U.S."   138
            "U.S." or "U.S.A."--so what?    140
            Federal citizenship vs. state Citizenship    141
            Back to our "U.S." story    144
            "We the People of the United States"    147
           OR DELIBERATE?     148
7     Hamilton...Covert Bankster Agent?
            Hamilton's unexplained comings and goings    151
            A temporary setback for the Federalists    157
8      The Hard Truth
        DEATH BY "DEMOCRACY"     165
            The myth of "the people"    168
            The madness of modern "law enforcement"    169
            On the Study of Law     171


9      Cure The Patient, Kill The Doctor
        WHAT CAN BE DONE NOW?    175
            Dramatic reversals by the current officials     176
            Impeachment of Congressmen and Justices   177
            New President using beneficial executive orders    179
            Virtuous constitutional amendments    180
            A 3rd party Renaissance     185
            Peaceful nullification by counties, juries, etc.    186
            Virtuous Constitutional Convention (Con-Con) 188
            Secession of the states     188
            12 Tips for Toppling Tyrants, by Claire Wolfe 193
            Are we headed for a civil/race war?    193
            Gee, what's the good news?    196
10    Answers, Please!
        THE 16TH AMENDMENT 198
            "Income" is undefined by Congress and the IRS 199
            Does a paycheck="net profits" and "income?" 201
            "Gain derived...from labor" 205
            How the Fed intentionally destroyed our money 215
            Dumping the "Federal Reserve Notes" 216
            Private, local money alternatives 218
            Here's my idea     230
                The Liberty Amendment    230
        SAVING US FROM "DEMOCRACY"     231
            Defense, Congress, and the courts    233
11    The 10th Amendment vs. "commerce" clause
            History of U.S. interstate "commerce" power 243
            Forcing action vs. prohibiting action 251
            Back to Colorado's 10th Amendment Resolution 255
            Will the FFAs defeat Wickard's "affects?" 257
            The FFAs are waiting for courageous men 259
            It's probably time for the 10th's funeral 262
            Will the Supreme Court ever reverse Wickard? 263
            Some 21st Century hope? 265
12     Constitutional Convention (ConCon)
            Back in the mid-1970s 271
            The "Balanced Budget Amendment" 272
            Again, in the mid-1990s 273
            Watch out for a future disguised ConCon 274
13     Constitutions of the Ages
          SWISS FEDERAL CHARTER of 1291 277
          1848 SWISS CONSTITUTION 279
          THE 2000 SWISS CONSTITUTION 280
          1861 CONSTITUTION OF THE C.S.A. 285
              OF AMERICA" 288
              Tugwell's 1948 proposed "World Constitution" 295
          TEXAS CONSTITUTION 2000 297
          CONTINENTAL CONGRESS 2009 301
14      Post-1997 Hologram
          CLOSE, BUT NOT QUITE THERE... 303
          GETTING THERE... 310
          YEP, IT WAS A COUP D'ETAT 312
          HOLOGRAM IN THE NEWS 313
15     And Now, Back to Reality...
            10 Signs America is becoming 3rd-world
               before our eyes 319
            10 Steps to a Dictatorship, by Naomi Wolf 319
            One small problem... 319
            Introducing...Patriot Light! A third less courage
               than the regular Patriot! 321
            The First American Revolution 322
            There were no "Patriot Lights" in 1776 323
           LAST OPTION: LEAVING THE U.S.S.A. 325
          FINAL THOUGHTS 331

           The Declaration of Independence A/1
             Federalists vs. Anti-federalists B/1
            Constitution for the United States of America C/1


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Love it!

R.C., California

I met Mr. Royce at an expo a month ago where I purchased Hologram of Liberty. I was amazed and pleased with his work. I enjoyed it very much.

L.G.E., Upland, California

I'm halfway through Hologram. Outstanding! Am enclosing payment for 10 more copies.

R.W.T., Charlotte, North Carolina

Hologram of Liberty strikes me as a very good, and too rare, criticism of that egregiously flawed document known as the U.S. Consitution. And...last year...[author Kenneth Royce] delivered a superb talk on the same subject.

Bob Kephart, Florida

I finished Hologram of Liberty...and could not put it down once I started reading. I have many people that I will share this with in different parts of the country. This should be required reading for everyone in America. Enclosed is payment for 40 copies.

D.C., Spokane, Washington

Your Hologram of Liberty is eye opening, sir! I'm up to page 5/17 of the book. It's great! You are wonderful!

R.P., Edison, N.J.

Now that I've read Hologram of Liberty in its entirety, it's only served a small part of its intended purpose. As Royce so delicately puts it, "For over 200 years, we've been in blind love with an apparition, a hologram of liberty." Now that the blinders are off, I plan to keep the book readily at hand on the bookshelf in my office as a reference. I suspect it will prove almost as valuable the second and the twenty-second time around.

Lady Liberty
Lady Liberty's Constitution Clearing House
(complete review posted on Book Review pages)


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